Safe Driving Tips, Steps to Help you Drive Safer

It seems every time you drive anywhere, you run into someone who “can’t drive”.  The problem is many of us do the same things these “bad drivers” do. We’ve all forgotten how to drive safe.  Anyone with a driver’s license knows how to operate a motor vehicle, yet most forget these simple safe driving tips. Here are just a few safe driving tips that we all learned at one point.

Limit Distractions

Distracted driving is one of the biggest causes of bad driving and accidents.  We all know you shouldn’t be texting and driving. Talking on a phone can be just as bad. 

The problem is texting and driving isn’t the only distracted driving people do.  There loads of distractions people do while driving.  It’s nothing new.  For years truck drivers talked on CB’s, now people talk on cell phones. Years ago, people got distracted trying to find that one song they liked on their cassette tape (if you’re young you don’t know this pain).  Then it was searching for the CD you wanted to play.  Now it’s finding the right playlist on your phone.  Not to mention eating while driving, and the list goes on, there are even people who read or watch movies while driving.

Whatever the distraction limit the time your eyes are off the road. If you have to answer the phone make sure you use speakerphone or have a radio that has one built in. Don’t do things that take your mind off driving.

Use Turn Signals Always

There are very few mind readers in the world. So why do people expect others to know when they are going to turn or go straight?  Engineers put turn signals on cars so no one had to read minds.  They are not just because there its a law. Be courteous to other drivers.  You should use your turn signal any time you turn or change lanes. Also make sure you turn them before you turn.  Not while turning. This gives others time to see it and make adjustments for where you are going to move.  If a person doesn’t see your turn signal they can’t get out of your way.  Of course this is just one simple safe driving tip.

Allow for Following distance

Many people have forgotten about keeping a good following distance.   It seems tailgating is a common practice now days.  Usually because other drivers are driving too slow and someone is in a hurry.  Most of the time all it takes is a little bit of extra planning to avoid the want to follow close and try to speed up the person in front of you. It’s best to leave at least 3 seconds following distance in front of you at all times for safe driving. 

Counting how many seconds you are following behind someone isn’t always convenient.  So as a personal rule, I always follow far enough, so if the guy in front of you hits his brakes, I have don’t have to slam on my brakes the second I see their brake lights come on.  This simple safe driver tip can prevent accidents and avoid upset drivers.

Also when coming to a stop behind someone.  Stop far enough back you can see ground between their back tires and your front bumper.  Not only does this keep from making the car in front of you nervous.  It also gives you enough space if someone rear ends, so you won’t be pushing into the car in front of you.

Speed Limits

Although driving the speed limit is usually suggested as safe driving.  If everyone around you is doing 10 mph over, keep with the flow of traffic.  This way you aren’t impeding traffic.  Of course if you are breaking the speed limit and passing everyone, this isn’t keeping with the flow of traffic.  Of course there are times when you should consider going slower than the speed limit also. Such as bad road conditions, and winter driving.

While speeding to keep with the flow of traffic is safer it’s still illegal in most states. The biggest thing to remember is if everyone else is going faster than you, it can leave you in danger.  This especially true on highways and interstates where it’s expected everyone is going the same speed.

Merge not Push

Sometimes it’s Ok to drive aggressively, but just like waiting in line at the grocery store it’s not ok to push your way in.  When your lane ends and the sign says merge. Merge not over and make people slow down to get out of your way.  In a perfect world you should able to turn on your signal and people will give you space to get in.  It’s never a perfect world, however that doesn’t give you permission to just push your way in between cars where there is barely enough room for your car.  If you have to slow down and let a car pass you so you can merge in behind them it’s ok, a few seconds behind isn’t going to ruin your life, but an accident might.

Stay Right

Many states have laws about keeping right on any multiple lane highway or interstate.  There are plenty of good reasons for this. If you are in a state that doesn’t have this law, it’s still a good rule of thumb.  Unless you are passing always stay to the right.  This rule of course does not give you permission to speed down the left lane on the interstate because you are constantly passing people. If you are passing that many people then maybe you should consider rethinking your speed.  Going with the flow of traffic is always a safer driving.

Remember you don’t have to be the first in line when driving.  There is no need to speed around people just so you are first, if people in front of you are driving the same speed as you want to be going then why bother speeding just to be first.

Slower Traffic

When the time comes that you do come up on slower traffic.  Be nice.  We have already covered not tailgating, using your turn signals and of course staying to the right.  However, not everyone follows these safe driving tips.  So as one last thing avoid passing people on their right, at least on interstates and highways.  Many people don’t expect the cars on their right to be going faster than they are.  Thus when they don’t pay attention to the other tips you may find yourself getting cut off by someone who didn’t realize you were there.


The long and short of safe driving is if you want to be a better driver, you need to drive like you want others to drive.  Be polite and considerate of others when driving.  The other driver you’re mad at, may just be having a bad day.  Driving is a way to get from point A to point B.  Let’s all drive in a safe and friendly manner.

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